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Beyond Asana

Asana is what we think of when we think of yoga.  It is the movement, the postures, the studio, the yoga pants, the messy buns, the namaste’s, etc…Truth is, asana is the gateway to receiving the bigger parts of the practice.   The postures were a way for the student to work through the physical energy, the heat in the body to enable them to sit for hours with their Guru and receive the teachings.

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I am here to take you beyond the asana, into the deeper elements of the practice you can use in all aspects of your life.  While will not refer to myself as a Guru, I will tell you this has been my practice long before the yoga we know today was in vogue.   It is this practice that has guided me through many challenging and joyful parts of life.  As I write this, I am in the midst of a heartful challenge, leaning heavily into my practice for clarity, calm, purpose and direction.

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The Ethical Practices of Yoga- September 9-October 2

- We will cover the first two limbs of yoga in this first cohort, the  5 Yamas and the  5 Niyamas.


- One recorded Zoom session per week followed up with integration exercises to lead you deeper into the practice.


- One live Zoom group session per week for open discussion.

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