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Rising Beyond

1:1 Life/Health Coaching

Many people hire a coach to increase performance, problem solve, learn, enhance. Coppermoon combines the coaching approach of the 8 Pillars of Wellness and the 8 Limbed Path of Yoga into a very holistic approach to living a balanced, mindful life.

The 8 Pillars of Wellness

- Physical

- Nutritional

- Emotional

- Social

- Spiritual

- Intellectual

- Financial

- Environmental

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8 Limbs of Yoga

- YAMAS- Restraints, Moral Discipline

​- NIYAMAS- Positive Duties, observances

- ASANA- Movement

- PRANAYAMA- Breathing Techniques

- PRATYAHARA- Sense , Withdrawal

- DHARANA- Focused Concentration

- DHYANA - Mediation

- SAMADHI – Bliss, Enlightenment

Coppermoon’s approach is to first have you identify the areas of your life you would like to enhance from the 8 Pillars and then integrate a program utilizing the guiding principles of the 8 Limbs not only to get you there, but to keep you there.

Online weekly meetings will guide you to enhance the practice of yoga in your life.  Integrations are assigned weekly to keep you in the practice, meetings will hold you accountable, not to me, but to yourself.

Program Length: Six Months

Exchange: Discussed upon the completion of initial consultation

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